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Welcome to the Northmont area Chamber Foundation (NCF)


Empowering Our Community Through Education and Development

 the Northmont area Chamber Foundation (NCF) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and child organization of the Northmont Area Chamber of Commerce.


With a rich history dating back to 1976, the Northmont Area Chamber of Commerce has served as a beacon of leadership in the Northmont area, fostering growth and prosperity for decades.

Our Mission and Purpose

At the heart of the Northmont Chamber Foundation is a steadfast commitment to promoting and engaging in educational, workforce, community, and economic development initiatives within the Northmont area.


Our purpose is to act as the educational, workforce development, community, and economic development arm of the Northmont Area Chamber of Commerce.


We strive to fulfill this mission and purpose by driving initiatives that empower individuals, strengthen businesses, and enhance the overall quality of life in our community.


Our Focus Areas


  • Educational Development: We believe that education is the cornerstone of progress. Through strategic partnerships and innovative programs, we aim to enhance educational opportunities for individuals of all ages, ensuring access to quality learning experiences that empower them to reach their full potential.


  • Workforce Development: A skilled workforce is essential for driving economic growth and competitiveness. Through workforce development initiatives, we strive to equip individuals with the necessary skills and training to meet the demands of the ever-evolving job market, thereby strengthening our local economy and enhancing opportunities for career advancement.


  • Community Engagement: Strong communities are built on a foundation of collaboration and engagement. NCF is committed to fostering a sense of belonging and connection within the Northmont area by facilitating meaningful interactions, promoting civic participation, and supporting initiatives that enhance the overall quality of life for residents.


  • Economic Development: As stewards of economic development, we work tirelessly to attract investment, spur innovation, and create opportunities for sustainable growth within the Northmont area. By cultivating a business-friendly environment and nurturing entrepreneurship, we aim to drive prosperity for generations to come.


The BOLT Innovation Center

The Northmont area Chamber Foundation is the driving force behind The BOLT Innovation Center, a transformative project aimed at fostering collaboration, innovation, and entrepreneurship within our community.

To learn more about the bolt innovation center, click here.


Get Involved

Are you passionate about making a positive impact in the Northmont community?

Join us in our mission to build a brighter future for all. Whether you're a business owner, educator, community leader, or resident, there are countless ways to get involved and contribute to our shared vision of a thriving Northmont area.


Together, we can make a difference.


Contact Us

For more information about the Northmont Chamber Foundation and how you can get involved, please contact us at


We look forward to hearing from you and working together to shape a better tomorrow for Northmont.

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